terrorist begets more terrorists?
I just read an article from a magazine that FEMA puts out saying that any aggressive response from a terrorist attack begets more violence towards the country that had just been attacked. In other words if the country retaliates and tried to protect it self or seeks justice against the terrorist then all actions that it takes will cause the terrorist and countries that are in favor of terrorists to become more violent. If the victim country or countries try to either attack and kill the terrorist or capture and imprison the terrorist more terrorist pop up and become more violent. The article went back to the early 70’s and encompasses several different countries that had been attacked from terrorists. The most striking point that I came across is that the article had no solution to the terrorist attacks.
So what else is there, sanctions? There are too many countries that are will to break the sanctions. What out-let does the victim countries have? Any ideas?
"enjoy life to the brim but do not spill it" quoted off my tatoo
"Iam myself every day."