Originally Posted by Yakk
There isn't a massive war on traffic in the USA, so I figured that most people consider car accidents to be less of a problem then terrorist attacks.
Good example of how people think similarly on different topics. Osama bin Laden attacked us, so we annihilated Saddam, who had nothing to do with it.
People die in traffic wrecks because they're not good drivers, so we attack the speed limits, which have nothing to do with it, instead of attacking the absolutely craptacular drivers education and licensing system in this country. Deaths per mile are lower on the Autobahn, where you can go well north of 200mph if your car's fast enough, than they are on the US interstate system. German driver training is much more stringent than the US, and german licensing is much less forgiving. Get a DWI? You'll never drive again. Period. Think you can pass a German driving test by parallel parking and driving slowly around a parking lot while not hitting cones? Think again - you're gonna show them you know how to control a car or you fail. What does this tell us? It's much more likely that crappy driving skills are causing the wrecks, not the speed.
But it's more fun to blame something that requires almost no thought, no effort, and which has almost nothing to do with the actual problem. Just like Iraq.