Take quick drying socks if you plan on washing the socks while you are there.
I take ear plugs in case I am sleeping near a snoring person or on a loud street with sirens at night or other street noises.
I take coins. Some lockers at youth hostels take coins and some take locks and some have keys that you get from the front desk.
I have stayed at 8 different youth hostels and have never had my stuff stolen, but in a big city stuff might get stolen so get a locker. You don't say what country you are going to however, so I don't know if you need your passport of not to take.
I take a pen and paper and book to read. I take notes as I walk around.
I also buy local bus tickets when I get to a city. That way I don't have to learn the bus coins and such stuff. I usually walk everywhere. Sometimes the bus is faster.
I take small binoculars sometimes.
I like that idea of buying beer and sharing it with your fellow youth hostelers as a way of joining a group or just befriending your bunkmates.
Another think I print out is a map of the city I am in, if I have never been there before.
In some cities, the youth hostel can be sold out if there is a holiday going on or if the weather is nice. So I always make a reservation.
good luck,
"We are sure to be losers when we quarrel with
ourselves. It is a civil war, and in all such
contentions, triumphs are defeats." Mr Colton