Today happens to be the sixth anniversary of my quitting smoking.
If the health effects of smoking vanished, I'd be tempted to smoke. If the social effects of smoking (the smell, having to go stand outside, etc) vanished, I'd have a cigarette
right fucking now.
Maybe in another six years I'll be a non-smoker. These days the cravings only hit me maybe once a month. I'll be walking down the street and walk through a cloud of somebody's smoke and suddenly NEED a cigarette RIGHT NOW. Within a few minutes I've talked myself down, but it's amazing how overwhelming a physical craving can be.
Originally Posted by guccilvr
Cig smoke does smell bad (I'm a smoker) but it's really no worse than the frat-boy covered in cheap cologne, or the woman who put way too much Chanel #5 on.
Sorry, dude. You only think that because your sense of smell has been clobbered by the smoking. It's much, much worse.