Originally Posted by roachboy
sorry, ace, but if you agree at all with that old hoary margaret thatcher line "when i look around me i dont see society, i see individuals" then those *are* your premises.
unpleasant, aren't they?
but hey, maybe i'm wrong: why dont you lay out your assumptions concerning how you would go from your answer to shakran's question outward to any claims about poverty as a social phenomenon. maybe not the argument: more like how you'd make the argument. it'd be interesting.
One person says people in this country are going hungry everyday, suggesting that it is a problem in this country. I ask what is the basis for that comment, and simply gave an anecdotal experience that caused me to change my behavior. If children, elderly and disabled people are in fact going hungry everyday, I am very interested in fixing the problem, I am also interested in fixing the world hunger problem and I think we could if we could get food the to the people who need it rather than "warloards".
Here is another anecdote - even when I was in poverty as a child, we had enough to eat. In fact we had enough to eat and my mother had enough left over to buy cigaretts.
Originally Posted by shakran
Any nation that sends its military after countries that aren't doing anything to it is an aggressive nation.
What??? Sadaam was the aggressive one. He is the one who invaded Kuwait for no reason, he is the one who defied the UN, he is the one who fired at our military planes, he is the one that paid $25k to terrorist families, he is the one that killed thousands of his own people.
Perhaps we use the word "aggressive" in different ways. We clearly don't see the world the same way.
I'm glad that you did that - I wish more people would follow your good example. But do you really think that one meal a day is good enough? I too have volunteered in those kitchens, and many of the people I fed were having their first meal with us at 5pm. I also note that you mention they are homeless people. Why do you think it is acceptable that in the richest nation on earth we still have homeless people, and we still have people who can't afford to feed themselves?
Many of the homeless were what they called "transitional" homeless. As a local business owner in my community I participated in several "homeless forums" with community leaders. In our county at the time there were several programs for homless people. It was rare that women with children, the elderly or truely disabled people would not have a bed and food. The most difficult category were homeless men. In most of these situations the men had opportunities get get on their feet. There were a handful who "lived the life" of a homelss person, regardless of the attempts to help.