Loquitor...it seems to be working pretty well in Ariz and Maine, two states with the most experience with public financing:
In Maine, where Clean Elections has been in place for all state races since 2000, at least 84 percent of the legislature will be represented by people who won using public funding.
In the House, 11 of the 12 incumbents who lost their bid for reelection were defeated by Clean Elections candidates. Four of the losing incumbents were privately financed.
Using a public funding system has been an option for Arizona state candidates since 2000. This year 42 percent of the candidates serving in the new legislature, and six out of eight elected statewide officers, ran using the system.
The impact on challengers vs incumbents is not as clear, although the Maine experience might seem to suggest that it is helpful in leveling the playing field.
In any case, it does take lobbyist money out of politics, at least on a small scale.