Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Do you watch every episode twice Will? I've listened to a couple podcasts, and I've saved all of them, but I just can't find the time to watch every episode twice through for the podcast.
I watch every episode twice and then listen to the podcast. When it's Battlestar, you make time. Thanks to iTunes, I can watch them at home or work.
Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
Had Adama actually shot Cally, he would have been seen as a dictator and murderer, the whole fleet would have mutinied and all would be lost. Theres a fine line between military authority and actual murder. They may be at war, but supposedly Roslin is still in charge......she eventually did hear what the chief had to say......they could not exist with a subserviant underclass, that had no rest, no means of promotion, and most of all no hope. In the end Adama and Roslin realized this......maybe we should too...
They covered up the half cylon baby theft for over a year. I think they could have covered the Cally thing just fine.