I think Baltar is an interesting character. He's an opportunist, and self-serving, but not strictly evil, which makes him more interesting to me.
It's been a while since I saw the original mini-series, but I'm certain that he didn't sell out the Caprica defense systems. My impression was that Six was a silent collaborator who helped design the computer networks that Baltar was given credit for, which makes perfect sense when you think about what the Cylons did in the initial attack. It goes by rather quickly, but the basic idea was that before the armistice, the humans had avoided any kind of computer networking or AI development as a defense against infiltration of their systems by the Cylons. A couple of generations had gone by, and people had come to accept peace as the status quo, resulting in computer networking being acceptable once again. Baltar, at Six's urging, had taken the lead in helping develop these systems. Six had access because she was partly responsible for the design. It wasn't just the defense codes, but the fact that they were networked at all that allowed the Cylons to penetrate the defenses of the planetary defense systems and the Battlestars themselves.
Also, the Cylon detector did work; it's the other humans who don't know this.
This isn't to say that he's a good person or a hero, and I don't like him very but he's far from my least favorite character, and he really is very interesting. What he's done in his past doesn't invalidate his ideas regarding the social stratification of the fleet.
Col. Tigh, on the other hand, him I can't stand. Nearly everything he does sets my teeth on edge. Since Mrs. Tigh's very timely death, he's become the character I most want to see sacrificed for the greater good.
I had no doubt Adama would have had Caleigh killed.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert
Last edited by Gilda; 02-28-2007 at 05:29 PM..