Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
To (mostly) quote another comment from TVSquad:I have no doubt that if Chief hadn't given in, Adama would have had Cally shot. He needs to make sure that people are doing what is necessary to keep the fleet ready for the Cylons, and that they know there are consequences if they aren't. Chief can represent the workers and be their voice to the Admiral and President, so long as they can trust that he will keep them working while he negotiates better working conditions. Adama made that clear.
Had Adama actually shot Cally, he would have been seen as a dictator and murderer, the whole fleet would have mutinied and all would be lost. Theres a fine line between military authority and actual murder. They may be at war, but supposedly Roslin is still in charge......she eventually did hear what the chief had to say......they could not exist with a subserviant underclass, that had no rest, no means of promotion, and most of all no hope. In the end Adama and Roslin realized this......maybe we should too...