Originally Posted by onodrim
There's no denying that Baltar has made some pretty huge mistakes. However, there's a big difference in knowingly setting up the colonies for destruction just for some ass, and being used as a means to an end. I think it's been made quite clear over the years how incredibly guilty Baltar feels about the part he unknowingly played in that. You make some valid observations and of course you're entitled to dislike Baltar if that's the way you see it, I don't mean to disregard your entire post. But as for your first point, it's not fair to make it seem as though he knew what was happening and didn't care. Yes, he gave Six access to things he shouldn't have for ass, but he certainly didn't know what it would lead to.
You see, THAT is what is wrong with our society today.
Nothing is anyone's fault. Who could have known? Rubbish!!! You work for the planetary defense and you have codes to get into the system, what would you THINK someone might want them for?
SIX: Gee Baltar, I really want to play some space invaders on the defense grid mainframe. You mind giving me the global access codes?
BALTAR: You are still going to frak me though right? Oh by the way, having these fall into the wrong hands could lead to the end of our civilization. So even though I went through eight million levels security clearances and background checks and even though I promised to never reveal these codes to anyone, how about you promise not to give them to anyone mmmmkay?
On second thought, you are right. How COULD he have known. We should all feel sorry for him instead. He was just a helpless doe eyed deer when he handed over the codes, made a fake Cylon detector, gave a nuke to a Cylon in the fleet so she could blow up herself, a ship and a couple thousand others, lied about New Caprica to get elected, screwed all the people on the planet, worked with the Cylons, helped put the Cylons on the path to Earth, etc. . .
Me? I prefer to take responsibility for my actions. I demand the same of my SciFi characters, and condemn those who don't.