If she doesn't know about how things work, why did she ask to use it?
Unfortunately, stupidity is a crime in this country, unless you're sitting on a jury or a Board of Ed..
I'd fully assume she'll appeal this. The charges alone were dumb enough, but 40 years? She should have plied them with weed and booze, she'd have gotten less time
Wow....I Googled her name to get more information on this case....
The tech world is aghast and can't say I don't blame them. It appears that the 'computer crimes' detective doesn't know squat about the internet, spyware, etc., yet his testimony was allowed, most of Horner's(an expert for 40 years) was not. Of the 8 kids who testified for the prosecution, not one pointed out who first got to the computer when Amero stepped out and, in fact, not one could identify Amero as the teacher for that day.
The computer in question, nor the school network, was investigated or searched for histories other than what was 'clicked on' the day in question.(In the sites I perused, it was explained that this spyware would not have to be 'clicked on' anyway-that fact was not presented at trial).
There was no mention of the regular teacher testifying as to what he has 'clicked on'.
The superintendent's take on this? "She was supposed to teach the children-this did not happen" Yea, so let's throw her into prison for it.