The ERA on the M1 Abrams tank is pretty wonderfull stuff. It is fully capable of resisting HEAT rounds and most Armour piercing rounds. Everything that was shown in the video, the Abrams is fully capable of doing, and HAS been doing for many years longer than the T-80.
Originally Posted by jorgelito
You know I wonder, is the armored cav, the tank unit a bit outdated in post-cold war warfare and tactics?
I'm trying to imagine a scenario the US or any other army would use it in an open battlefield setting.
North Korea? Iran? China?
I saw some Israeli tanks in "action" this summer at the border with Lebanon but even then, the tanks aren't really a primary function are they? Mostly lumbering through the streets to shell buildings and such. There weren't divisions of tanks battling it out in the desert. I can't really imagine any scenario these days where that would take place: 10,000 tanks duking it out in an open plain. Maybe in the Great Southern Plain of China but that just seems insane cause so much would have to happen for that situation to take place.
Are the Russian tank crews still up to speed these days? It would seem that their training etc has slowed considerably in the past 15-20 years since the collapse.
Actualyl tank warfare is still used in warfare. Durring Desert Shield/Desert Storm campaign it was the initial assault used durring battle-line penetrations. The liberation of Kuwait was done by only 18 M1 Abrams, against over 40 T-72s. The M1's never received a single damaged unit, while obliterating the opposing forces. The only M1 that was damaged was by accidental friendly crossfire. The M1 is still a formidable unit. Remember that we have constant upgrades being made on the units, and only MAJOR upgrades will have a model change. Currently the highest performer is the M1A3 Main Battle Tank. But there are many upgrades that were made to the A2 before the MAJOR change for creating the A3. I am not even sure if we have the A3 in production yet, I think it is still a prototype.