Originally Posted by Flyingcow
I recently had 4 of my teeth extracted last monday. 2 in top, 2 in bottom.
one tooth in the upper right had a very long root. he was pulling at it for atleast 5 minutes. this side also took the longest to stop bleeding.
everything has seemed to healup nicely except for the top teeth. the left side of my mouth has a significant bump where the toothth was pulled but there is no pain. im assuming that this is because he expanded my jawbone to extract it. well the top right tooth has a similar bump. but there is a small cut going up pretty high in my gum. he said the tooth had very long roots. at the top of the cut, there appears to be something like a canker sore and it feels like the bone is very close underneath.
will this go away? i read about the horrors of the jawbone growing through the gums, the infections, and complications this creates. will the jawbone eventually shrink back down? or will it get bigger like other bones do when they break. as for the sore at the top, i tried girgling some salt water. i dont know if it will help yet.
It's really hard to say what's going on based on this. I wouldn't be worried about long term "jawbone growing through the gums" etc. If you see a canker sore type of lesion I'd have it checked since it could be an infection... though I'm not sure how or why you're looking way back in there...
Yes, gargle with warm salt water but I'd have it checked.
Originally Posted by Paq
just a quick question...i'm almost in flyingcow's position, but anyway
i now have 3 crowns cemented into place...2 porcelain over noble metals and 1 gold in the very rear. my question: How long will these last, on average, assuming good care before i have to have them replaced.
The all gold one should last longer since there's no porcelain to fracture but either should last an average of ~7-12 years. The gold could last way longer.
Originally Posted by Prince
I have an upper molar (second from the back) that's cracked. It cracked during a normal meal, so clearly it wasn't a healthy one to begin with. From what I've felt with my tongue, there's a piece of it loose, yet attached. I won't get in to see a dentist for about two weeks, and have been careful not to chew on that side or mess with it much with my tongue, for this fear of mine that if the loose piece comes off, there'll be like root or something exposed and massive pain will ensue from there on. However, now there's an unpleasant and constant taste in my mouth, doesn't matter how much I brush or gargle Listerine, it remains. My uneducated guess is that there's an infection or something that that cracked, mostly loose piece of the tooth is nesting, and it's puss that I keep tasting... I guess I am wondering what I should do about it during these couple of weeks before I get to go in...
I wouldn't wait a couple of weeks. If it fractures more you could be looking at an extraction and replacement vs. a possibly more simple fix. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do that will get rid of the infection on your own. Salt water rinses to keep it under control a tiny bit but it won't do much.
Why wait a couple weeks?