Constructive Criticism ahead...
Because the blades of grass are overlapping each other as well as the text, the resultng compound path is extremely complexed and visually disracting. However, if this is your desired effect, then so be it. I know how to fix this if you want, requires the use of one of the Pathfinder tools, not sure if your instructor wants you playing with tools that she hasn't introduced. (select all blades of grass, go to the Pathfinder pallete and click Combine, then expand. Combine makes them one single shape, expand removes all interroir, overlapping paths, leaving only a solid shape) Then go to the text and create the compound path.
Also, the illustration of the shoe/leg is a bit weak, its also the only element that is as tall as it is, I'd eliminate it and leave the soccer ball, then make the ball a bit larger so it is even with the height of the text.
Only one of the 3 slashes has been utalized in the compound path, I think using all 3 would look better. Also, with the paws, pick one and reflect it so they both don't look like left paws. (object > transform > reflect)
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!