I have an upper molar (second from the back) that's cracked. It cracked during a normal meal, so clearly it wasn't a healthy one to begin with. From what I've felt with my tongue, there's a piece of it loose, yet attached. I won't get in to see a dentist for about two weeks, and have been careful not to chew on that side or mess with it much with my tongue, for this fear of mine that if the loose piece comes off, there'll be like root or something exposed and massive pain will ensue from there on. However, now there's an unpleasant and constant taste in my mouth, doesn't matter how much I brush or gargle Listerine, it remains. My uneducated guess is that there's an infection or something that that cracked, mostly loose piece of the tooth is nesting, and it's puss that I keep tasting...

I guess I am wondering what I should do about it during these couple of weeks before I get to go in...