Originally Posted by Jozrael
Gilda, where can I find an online version of the Kinsey test? I've searched -forever-
There isn't one that I know of. It's a self rating thing. Just ask yourself how often and how strongly you're attracted to people of the same sex and how often and how strongly you're attracted to people of the opposite sex.
With me, I want to have sex only with women, would want to date only women, and find it impossible to connect romantically with men, so I'm in the homosexual area, a 5 or a 6. I am, however, able to appreciate a good looking man of a certain type in a way that isn't entirely aesthetic. Pierce Brosnan, for example. That I can feel this attraction to some men, even if it's one I'd never act on, means that I'm not up there at the exclusive end, so I rate myself a 5. A couple of years ago I'd have rated myself a 4, but I've shifted a bit as my relationship to Grace has grown stronger.
Grace, on the other hand, has never dated men, has never been interested in dating men, and has no sexual attraction to men, so she's a 6. Reverse that for my sister, who has not the slightest inclination to be with a woman, so she's a 0.
Here's a simple, two question test:
Assume you're single, dating and that there's no external benefit or cost to dating one sex over the other, that the only thing that matters is to whom you're attracted. Further assume that there are readily available partners of both sexes who are attracted to you.
1. Are you going to date men, women, or both?
2a. If one only, are you still a little attracted to the other sex or exclusively to the one?
2b. If both, is one a little more attractive than the other?
0-Exclusive attraction to opposite sex.
1-Some attraction to same sex, but not enough to act on it.
2-Attraction to both sexes, but more to the opposite sex.
3-Equal attraction to both.
4-Attraction to both sexes, but more to the same sex.
5-Some attraction to the opposite sex, but not enough to act on it.
6-Exclusive attraction to same sex.