Actually, a good example of rape as an instrument of power can be found in male on male rape such as prison rape and other male pack behavior types including hazing, locker room behavior, and police brutality. These examples are illustrative of power rather than homosexual realizations.
In each cohort, the sodomy or other sexualized act etc is carried out by the party in power to reinforce that power and to coerce submission by the "victims". Oftentimes the act is not carried out to ejaculation but rather the act itself is the vehicle for power dominance and subjugation. These acts can be considered the ultimate act of humiliation.
In the case of war time rape, it is most certainly all about power. Japanese soldiers did not rape millions of Japanese women and children the way they did the women and children of the countries they invaded. Dehumanizing the "enemy" civilian population is an effetc of the chaos and atrocity of war. Rape is a surefire tool to submit your enemy and exert control.