Originally Posted by Nimetic
I've always regarded this statement this as ridiculous.
If it's about power - sure then a the majority of rapists would rape just as many males as females yes?
And then also, many of the attacks would not involve... um... intercourse.
Right, those are called battery, or murder. People get beat up or killed all the time. Those are different ways in which a desire for power manifests itself.
Rape is just one example of the myriad ways people assert power over another. For some, it's as simple as demeaning someone, talking down to them. A higher level would be rape, and an even higher level is violence directed solely at hurting or killing another.
I think you're also considering it as a purely conscious effort, which it's not. Where a conscious decision isn't made specifically along the lines of having power over the other, the subconscious impulse is simply one of entitlement- they believe they are already empowered over the other, and are entitled to what they want from them... a perfect example of this is date rapes. They believe they're in a position of power (consciously or not) and therefore entitled to sex.