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Old 02-24-2007, 09:32 AM   #24 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Ohmygawd, yes... this one had me in total hysterics:
13:39:36] * Snoogans is playing: Tenacious D - Jesus Ranch
[13:39:50] Spleen - jesus has a ranch?
[13:40:11] Snoogans - yup
[13:40:17] Snoogans - you didn't know?
[13:40:26] Spleen - nope, i don't follow jesus
[13:40:33] Spleen - does he raise cattle?
[13:40:51] Wile_E - no llamas
[13:41:06] Spleen - dang pachyderms
[13:41:44] juanvaldes - llamallamallama...
[13:42:08] Wile_E - sawing llaamaa
[13:42:12] redravin - better then ungulates
[13:42:13] Wile_E - hmm
[13:42:23] Wile_E - that didn't look right....
[13:42:35] Spleen - nooo iiit diidn't
[13:42:43] redravin - throw llama from the train?
[13:42:53] Spleen - STOP!! or my llama will shoot!
[13:43:09] juanvaldes - no....more.....bad.....movies......aghhh....
[13:43:22] Spleen - but this one had BOTH sylvester stallone and estelle getty
[13:43:29] Spleen - thats a match made in heaven
[13:43:32] Spleen - :P
[13:43:37] juanvaldes - lol
[13:43:52] juanvaldes - don't tell mom the llama is dead
[13:44:07] Spleen - ooo applegate... mmm
[13:44:16] Spleen - LLama, the barbarian
[13:44:16] bones - jello
[13:44:16] juanvaldes - she's still hot
[13:44:19] juanvaldes - yo bones
[13:44:27] Snoogans - hey Bones
[13:44:31] Spleen - and the sequel; Llama, the destroyer
[13:44:39] bones - happy bday juan
[13:44:43] juanvaldes - thanks
[13:44:48] Spleen - juans an old fart now?
[13:44:51] juanvaldes - or just "llama"
[13:44:52] Sionide - hehehe
[13:44:56] juanvaldes - yeah, I'm old...
[13:45:04] bones - old? i dont think so
[13:45:11] juanvaldes - then "llama first blood"
[13:45:29] Spleen - Llama 3: Rise of the machines
[13:45:45] redravin - beneath the valley of the llama
[13:45:55] Spleen - The Llama of Oz
[13:46:12] bones - anyone know of a good free mp3 player (burner, make playlists, etc)
[13:46:19] juanvaldes - llama powers
[13:46:23] Spleen -
[13:46:36] juanvaldes - evil llama
[13:46:37] Spleen - international llama of mystery?
[13:46:43] juanvaldes - indeed
[13:46:46] redravin - three men and a llama
[13:46:51] juanvaldes - oh, I got cheeros to watch Evil Dead 3
[13:46:51] Spleen - Llama Act
[13:46:55] Shokan - requiem for a llama
[13:46:57] bones - lol
[13:47:02] bones - silence of the llamas
[13:47:03] Spleen - everyone needs to watch evil dead 3
[13:47:11] juanvaldes - she wasn't scared
[13:47:16] Spleen - its not a scary movie
[13:47:18] juanvaldes - she said it was stupid
[13:47:18] Spleen - thats why
[13:47:21] juanvaldes - yeah
[13:47:21] bones - willy wonka and the llama factory
[13:47:36] Spleen - umm, bones, that llama wonka and the chocolate factory
[13:47:40] Spleen - get the movies right
[13:47:45] bones - sorry
[13:47:49] Shokan - monty python's meaning of llama
[13:48:06] Shokan - monty python's search for the holy llama
[13:48:09] spec - life of llama
[13:48:10] bones - goodllamas
[13:48:18] Shokan - the Godllama
[13:48:23] Spleen - Sense and Llamability
[13:48:24] bones - "ever since i was a kid, i wanted to be a llama"
[13:48:36] bones - sweet home alallama
[13:48:38] juanvaldes - anyone think were taking this a bit to far?
[13:48:41] Shokan - Llama Horizon
[13:48:46] Spleen - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Llama
[13:48:48] Shokan - Freddy vs Llama
[13:48:48] bones - lol
[13:49:08] Spleen - no
[13:49:11] Shokan - The Llama Reloaded
[13:49:25] Spleen - Bill and Llama's excellent adventure
[13:49:50] phredgreen - bill an ted's excellent llama
[13:49:56] Shokan - the lord of the llama
[13:49:57] Spleen - oops
[13:49:59] bones - llama sutra
[13:50:07] Shokan - Llama, Interrupted
[13:50:13] bones - lol
[13:50:19] bones - showllamas
[13:50:21] juanvaldes - PI (staring a llama)
[13:50:25] Spleen - HAH!
[13:50:38] Shokan - one flew over the llama's nest
[13:50:40] bones - throw llama from the the train
[13:50:45] Shokan - lol
[13:50:46] bones - big llama's house
[13:50:46] Spleen - BOO
[13:50:47] Snoogans - Mallamas
[13:50:53] Hal - llama-man
[13:51:02] bones - big llama's house made me laugh
[13:51:03] juanvaldes - the llamam redemption
[13:51:03] Shokan - Starship Llamatroopers
[13:51:05] Spleen - Batman and Llama
[13:51:21] juanvaldes - SLC llama
[13:51:24] Hal - requiem for a llama
[13:51:25] Spleen - hehehe
[13:51:27] bones - weeked at llamas
[13:51:33] Shokan - Star Wars : The Llama Strikes Back
[13:51:40] Spleen - Gone with the Llama
[13:51:43] bones - hehe
[13:51:49] bones - eight llamas out
[13:51:50] juanvaldes - Deepllama
[13:51:53] Snoogans - Donnie Llama
[13:51:54] bones - HA
[13:52:05] Spleen - Llama Run
[13:52:09] Hal - crouching llama, hidden ostrege
[13:52:12] redravin - how green is my llama
[13:52:14] bones - llama and the bandit
[13:52:19] bones - fried green llamas
[13:52:21] Spleen - Fried Green Llama
[13:52:22] Spleen - dammit
[13:52:23] bones - lol
[13:52:26] bones - nice
[13:52:32] Shokan - eight legged llamas
[13:52:41] Hal - the fifth llama
[13:52:44] bones - how did this start?
[13:52:44] Snoogans - The legend of drunken llama
[13:52:48] redravin - thelma and llama
[13:52:50] Spleen - juan did it
[13:52:57] juanvaldes - the 13th llama
[13:52:58] Spleen - Jurassic Llama
[13:53:03] Snoogans - I listened to Jesus ranch by Tenacious D
[13:53:06] redravin - everybody points at juan
[13:53:12] Spleen - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Llama
[13:53:15] juanvaldes - ummm....NOT IT!
[13:53:16] bones - i just listened to "im the only gay eskimp" its so funny
[13:53:17] * juanvaldes runs
[13:53:21] Hal - american llama in paris
[13:53:30] spec - Return of the llama
[13:53:32] Spleen - The Llama King
[13:53:33] bones - big trouble, little llama
[13:53:37] Shokan - lol'
[13:53:41] Spleen - Llama Gump
[13:53:47] Shokan - Llamaface
[13:53:54] Spleen - Llama
[13:53:55] spec - last action llama
[13:53:57] Spleen - Llama
[13:53:57] bones - lol
[13:53:58] Hal - goldenllama
[13:54:06] bones - the llamas
[13:54:08] Spleen - Llama's in Black (aka, LIB)
[13:54:10] redravin - hunt for red llama
[13:54:14] Shokan - dr strangellama
[13:54:17] spec - meet the llamas
[13:54:19] bones - reservoir llamas
[13:54:21] bones - pulp llamas
[13:54:24] Hal - llama never dies
[13:54:26] Snoogans - The hot llama
[13:54:27] Spleen - Terminator 2: Llama Day
[13:54:31] bones - lol
[13:54:38] Shokan - the boondock llamas
[13:54:39] bones - someone needs to make this thread
[13:54:40] Spleen - Indiana Jones and the Last Llama
[13:54:44] spec - llama brown
[13:54:51] Spleen - bones - the irc thread in nonsense
[13:54:56] Hal - this is good as a one-time only thing
[13:54:56] redravin - the ten llamas
[13:54:59] Snoogans - Chasing llama
[13:55:09] Spleen - Misson: Llama
[13:55:18] Hal - brotherhood of the llama
[13:55:19] spec - harry potter and the sorceror's llama
[13:55:26] Spleen - i did that one spec
[13:55:30] spec - damn
[13:55:35] Spleen - Dances with Llama's
[13:55:37] Shokan - resovier llamas
[13:55:38] bones - beverly hills llama
[13:55:42] Hal - llama'd away
[13:55:43] bones - did it shok
[13:55:51] Spleen - The Llamaguard
[13:55:53] bones - the llama in miss jones
[13:55:54] bones - LOL
[13:55:59] Spleen - hehehe
[13:56:08] Spleen - Robin Hood: Prince of Llamas
[13:56:09] redravin - friday the 13th part 6..the llama lives
[13:56:09] Shokan - natural
[13:56:10] Snoogans - beverly hills llama 2
[13:56:11] Shokan - er
[13:56:14] Hal - llama confidential
[13:56:16] Shokan - natural born llamas
[13:56:19] bones - LOL
[13:56:19] Spleen - Beauty and the Llama
[13:56:21] juanvaldes - the big lebowllama
[13:56:27] Spleen - LLAMAZILLA!!!
[13:56:35] Hal - llama bebop
[13:56:35] juanvaldes - lock stock and two smoking llamas
[13:56:36] bones - llama in manhattan
[13:56:39] bones - LOL
[13:56:40] bones - HAHAHAHAHA
[13:56:42] Snoogans -
[13:56:46] juanvaldes - Spacellamas
[13:56:50] Spleen - Theres Something About Llama
[13:56:55] redravin - llama madness
[13:57:02] Spleen - Planet of the Llamas
[13:57:03] Hal - the last of the llamas
[13:57:10] bones - from justin to llama
[13:57:13] Spleen - My Big Fat Green Llama
[13:57:15] Spleen - oops
[13:57:19] bones - green?
[13:57:19] Spleen - My Big Fat Greek Llama
[13:57:28] Hal - silence of the llamas
[13:57:34] Hal - (is trying to tell you something)
[13:57:35] Shokan - charlie's llamas 2 : full llama
[13:57:40] bones - ha
[13:57:46] bones - llamas end
[13:57:46] Spleen - Who Framed Roger Llama (last one)
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
ngdawg is offline  

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