As promised, my rebuttal, finally.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
I say it did, you say it didn't, what's next? All I know is that Congress agreed with Bush before the invasion.
And that automatically makes it right, how?
Here is were it gets foggy. I say America is not an agressive nation, that we are not an empire builder?
Any nation that sends its military after countries that aren't doing anything to it is an aggressive nation. Whether you think Iraq was justified or not (although considering none of the terrorists were from there I'm not sure how you could), you must admit that Yugoslavia, Mogadishu, etc, were not doing anything to us. We chose to go play army anyway. That's aggressive.
We don't have to be an empire builder to be aggressive. The schoolyard bully isn't trying to take the kid's house, but he beats the kid up anyway.
I am not clear on what you think, and you give examples that don't relate to the issue and say we made some people mad. I think we have made mistakes, but our intensions have been honorable, in terms of doing what we thought was right in terms of protecting our interest.
Whether our intentions are honorable or not, people are still angry at us. You speak of wanting to enhance our national security. A real good way to do that is to try and avoid pissing people off. You're much less likely to kick my butt if you like me. It's the same with nations. The nations that are our allies and are our friends and who like us are not the ones attacking us. Want to enhance national security? Stop casting the country in the role of world cop.
How does a person go hungry every night in this country? Please explain how that happens and how frequently? I did some volunteer work in a kitchen feeding homless people, the irony is that almost all of them were able bodied men.
I'm glad that you did that - I wish more people would follow your good example. But do you really think that one meal a day is good enough? I too have volunteered in those kitchens, and many of the people I fed were having their first meal with us at 5pm. I also note that you mention they are homeless people. Why do you think it is acceptable that in the richest nation on earth we still have homeless people, and we still have people who can't afford to feed themselves?