You failed to address the primary question in my post and choose to create a "strawman arguement" around personal experience that was insignificant at best relative to Shackran's point that hunger is a problem in this country. this is another example of what I refer to as "fog".
The Bush Dept of Agriculture no longer uses the term "hunger" to describe the condtions faced by more than 10 million Americans...rather, they experience "very low food security"
New Labels Describe Ranges of Food Security is what I would refer to as "fog".
Just in time for Thanksgiving, the government tells us it has eliminated hunger in America. Not the condition, the word.
The Agriculture Department's annual hunger report cites a slight decrease in the number of people who don't have enough food, but says it has decided not to call such people "hungry" because "it is not a scientifically accurate term for the specific phenomenon being measured." Which would be, uh, hunger.
Instead, the bureaucrats have reclassified America's food-deprived into two new categories. The group previously categorized as "food insecurity without hunger" is now described as having "low food security." The group heretofore labeled "food insecurity with hunger," is now said to have "very low food security." Among other things, these people have "reduced food intake."
In 2005, 35 million people lived in food-insecure households, including 12.4 million children.
Of these individuals,
7.6 million adults and 3.2 million children lived in households with
very low food security.