Originally Posted by host
...now ace....after re-reading your last post, are you saying that you believe that the US treasury debt info here:
...is no more reliable than the deficit numbers that the white house quotes?
If that is what you are saying, ace...
National debt according to most sources is $8.7 trillion. Annual deficit spending is projected by the CBO to be about $170 billion in 2007. They project a reduction in deficit spending as well as the Whitehouse, they project a surplus of $170 billion by 20012. Tax dollars collected have increased at a faster pace than on-budget spending over the past few years.
....doesn't it follow, that, if your belief is that the borrowing data I'm posting from that site is in error, or misleading, that it is also true that the US treasury is offering securities for sale, via the provision of deceptive data? Isn't that an accusation of official, securities fraud?
No. Smart money knows the weaknesses in trying to measure government spending and tax collections. Dumb money doesn't rely on the numbers anyway.