Originally Posted by host
....no, ace...where we differ is much simpler than your description, above. I eliminated the "misleading deficit", because I only compare the constant....year to year....and Oct. 1, 200x to Feb. 23, 200x....of increases in total federal debt.
I demonstrated multiple times....in my last post, and in the other two that I linked to in my last post.....that the "deficit reduction" you refer to, is misleading.
Are we talking the total debt or anual deficit spending. Either way I still don't dispute the facts, although you avoid looking at the debt as a percent of national wealth and the deficit in terms of a percent of national tax income.
I am more than happy to debate economics, we can revive the old thread or start a new one.
Originally Posted by ubertuber
What the hell is this thread about anyway?
It is an example of why most conservatives no longer get into heated debates. We find it diffucult to see through the fog.