Originally Posted by mx5me
Um, what? Where to start... How about with your assumptions: 1. The librarians who opposed this book are women. 2. The women who oppose this book are sexually attracted to women. 3. Sexual attraction to women results from hating or being fed up with men. 4. If the book referred to a female organ, there wouldn't have been an uproar. 5. The "choice" to be homosexual results from ignorance of facts and reality. 6. Book banning hasn't been attempted on grounds of excessive violence or racism. 7. You'd know if your teacher was a lesbian.
I'll cut the list off there. Unless you can give some evidence of a link between "militant lesbians" and book banning, then this was just an ignorant rant. That isn't harmless because it detracts from the real issue and attributes problems to unrelated people or groups of people. Maybe you can attribute the next social problem to the Jews and the great Jewish Conspiracy. Such logic was seriously harmless during the 30's.
It was a rant, but nothing I've ever done, am doing, or will ever do will be ignorant.
After I wrote, it, I realized that some of it could be offensive, so I wrote my second post.
It was meant to be an exaggerated reactionary explosion at the story. The honest truth is, I really don't care. If I met one of these people on the street, I'd probably just chuckle at them and hope they would somehow realize that they have way too much time on their hands. If it happens at my daughter's school, I'd simply go in and have a calm, rational discussion with them. If they weren't able to see that their move was somewhat hypocritical and very illogical, so be it. My daughter can read what she wants at home (within reason). These people only control a small library. Public libraries will continue to hold a plethora of books, not to mention the Barnes and Noble's, Boarders, and Amazon.com's of the world. You can get a book if you want to read it. If my daughter wants to read “The Higher Power of Lucky,” by Susan Patron, this year’s winner of the Newbery Medal, she can go right ahead.