Originally Posted by aceventura3
We are not an agressive nation. We use force to protect our national interests, that is a big difference.
Invading Iraq did not protect our national interets. In fact, it endangered them terribly, because that REALLY pissed off the middle east. Invading Viet Nam did not protect our national interests. The Bay of Pigs did not protect our national interest. Mogadishu did not protect our national interests. Cambodia did not protect our national interests. All of these actions worsened our national interests because they angered the world.
If you're so gung ho on protecting our national interestes, then why don't we fix the economy, fix education, and fix hunger - it's pathetic that the most powerful and richest nation on the planet still has people going hungry every night. It's high time we stop thinking our national interests can be addressed by killing people from other countries, and started realizing that our national interests must be addressed by improving the lives of our own people.