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Old 02-23-2007, 01:38 AM   #3 (permalink)
Originally Posted by powerclown
How do you vote in regards to picking your leaders: With your mind or with your heart?
Are you more concerned with their stance on issues, or their charisma, inspiration and energy?

Thinking about another Clinton running for President has led me to wonder about how candidates on both sides will be regarded in 2008. Hillary doesn't strike me as overly charismatic or with great vision (yet), but more along the lines of ambitious, ruthless, calculating. Whereas Obama seems to be the rockstar (for now) with all the personal charisma and magentism. Both are in a fierce struggle in the polls and press, with battlelines on just such issues being drawn. This past week we saw Hillary recently looking to tarnish Obama's rockstar image by pulling him into conventional political warfare.

Here's the link to the OP article:

Step back to 1999 and replace the names in powerclown's last question:
.....Thinking about another Bush running for President has led me to wonder about how candidates on both sides will be regarded in 2000. George W. doesn't strike me as overly charismatic or with great vision (yet), but more along the lines of ambitious, ruthless, calculating. Whereas Mccain seems to be the rockstar (for now) with all the personal charisma and magentism. Both are in a fierce struggle in the polls and press, with battlelines on just such issues being drawn. ....
....What is revealed about a US of A where 2 Bushes and 2 Clintons hold the presidency for 24....or possibly 28 consecutive years? We know how 18 years and one month has turned out......let us agree to end it at 20, especially considering that the 18 years of one Clinton and two Bushes, also included Quayle, Gore, and Cheney....

The last 18 years were preceded by the presidencies of JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan.... By Nov. 2008, 48 years will have passed since many suspected that JFK's father collaborated with democratic mayor Daley of Chicago to steal the '60 election from Nixon.

The 21 year old voter in the '60 election will be 69 in Nov., 2008. I think we flatter ourselves if we believe we deserve or have the ability to discern which candidate is best to lead the country. As always, we will attract and end up with the candidate that makes it through the nomination and election "process".

In recent posts, I detailed the reporting that describes how republican hopefuls navigate the "process", and how similar the campaign decisions of Reagan, George W. Bush, and now Duncan Hunter and Mike Huckabee have been, with regard to courting the approval of politically indispensable, southern, white evangelical leaders, with the added dimension of the approval of LaHaye founded, "secret" Council for National Policy, beginning before Reagan's second term....

None of the announced candidates of either party inspire anything in me, other than resignation to the reality that the American electorate is incapable of voting in it's own best interest.
Look at the wisdom of the democrats' decision in Nevada:
<img src="">
FOX News to Host August 2007 Democratic Debate in Reno

RENO, NEVADA AND NEW YORK - FOX News, the Nevada Democratic Party and the Western Majority Project have jointly announced that they will host a 2008 presidential debate, which is expected to attract the top Democratic contenders for President. The debate will be presented live on FOX News Channel (FNC) and FOX News Radio on August 14, 2007 in Reno.

In making the announcement, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said, “This is more great news for Nevada. I'm happy FOX News will be a partner for the August presidential debate. Western issues will be a major focus of this debate in particular. With FOX News as our partner, candidates will have an opportunity to not only speak to Nevada voters, but voters across the West who will be instrumental to electing a Democratic president in 2008.”

FOX News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes added, “FOX News is proud to be a leader in coverage of the 2008 campaign season and a co-host of this important presidential debate. We look forward to working with the Nevada Democratic Party and the Western Majority Project.”

The Western Majority Project (WMP), another cosponsor of the FOX debate, is a federally registered political action committee......
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fox's Democrat Candidate Presidential Debate

Tom Collins
Chair, Nevada State Democrat Party

Dear Mr. Collins,

I'm very excited about your partnership with Fox News to bring us the first Democrat Candidate Presidential Debate. It may be the only truly fair and balanced debate of the whole primary season. I mean what other network is going to cut away from the debate to give us a quick investigative report into the shady nature of Majority Leader Reid's morning cocoa and doughnut purchases; certainly not CNN, not NBC, not CBS, and not ABC–OK, ABC would probably do it too, and they'd add dramatic recreations involving Osama bin Laden, Sandy Berger, and a shifty looking South American guy in a vicuna coat, but your deal isn't with ABC; it's with Fox, and by god, that's good enough.

It's going to be a fantastic debate. I imagine Brit (he's not a foreigner he just has a not-man's name) Hume will lead the interrogation. Hopefully, Bill O'Reilly will be on the panel too, and if we're lucky, John Gibson will be on hand to tell us which candidates deserve "five in the noggin" for treasonous acts against Christmas….

In any event, we're going to see a lot of great questions asked of the candidates. Questions like:

"Sen. Hussein-Osama, how do we know that you won't set off a homicide bomb at your own inauguration?"

"Gov. Richardson, isn't it true that you refer to your state by using the name of a foreign country?"

"Sen. Clinton, now that you're a lesbian, can the American people be assured that you won't murder any more boyfriends?"

"Sen. Biden, if I told you that Gov. Richardson is actually a Mexican, would you have the guts to render him to Syria?"

"Sen. Edwards, have you given up on your plans to rape the Pope?"

"Sen. Dodd, who among your competitors should be hung for treason along with Nancy Pelosi and Jack Murtha?"

Of course, it's easy to guess the questions. The real mystery is how Fox will refer to the candidates. Will Hume and company call them the "Democrat candidates" like they did the last time they hosted a debate, or will they refer to them as the "traitorous Democrat candidates," or better yet, the "Demislamunistofascist candidates?"......
....I'm sorry, powerclown, I can't take your thread, or the crop of candidates, or the American electorate all that seriously...

Any serious democratic candidate should have handily beaten Bush/Cheney 2004.....and Nixon, Reagan, and George W. Bush should never have been nominated, much less elected...

Lahaye, Council for National Policy, and Bob Jones U./South Carolina, and the fair grounds near Philadelphia. Miss., should not be launching sites for serious republican candidacies or "must have" vetting and approval destinations for past or future republican presidential hopefuls.

No other Bushes or Clintons should receive nominations to run for the presidency from any major party. <b>The "process", the "system", and the judgment of too many potential American voters, are broken, IMO. Until all three are repaired, I do not see how the discussion that powerclown is seeking, can take place.</b> Other "tells" that confirm that we have nothing substantial going on, are that this Bush is in the White House as a "two termer", Hillary is regarded as a "major candidate", and that the fainting spell of the late Anna Nicole's mother's lawyer, on thursday, attracted more media coverage than the Libby trial continuing jury deliberations.

"We the people" have become our own bad joke...and until we wake the "F" up, we deserve what we get !

Last edited by host; 02-23-2007 at 01:41 AM..
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