A backpack is a lot more comfortable to handle when you're a) walking a lot, and b) using a lot of public transportation. Backpacks are also usually easier to unpack/repack--since you have different compartments for different things, you don't have to tear the thing apart to find something. It also keeps you from packing too much.
If you are going to be traveling for a long time, I would suggest staging a practice trip before now and then. Many years ago, my family used a 4-day trip to Vancouver, Canada by train to "warm up" for our summer vacation--a 3-week train trip between Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. It was a good exercise because both my brother and I figured out how far we could walk carrying a certain amount of stuff. Overpacking is not pleasant--and neither is underpacking. Pack wisely.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau