Hee hee, I got a kiss from Elphaba (hope you're a man and that you don't have a wife, or that your wife is European, one who appreciates cheek-kissy.)
I post again because I read Elphaba's sig - Molly Ivin's politics were certainly not any that I agreed with, but dang, she could make me laugh! Perhaps it was because she wrote with a 'twang, but seeing her column in the Tennessean newspaper made me both cringe and giggle. She was a good ol' broad, as many others called her. May she rest in peace, and may God bless her family.
But I wonder how many libs would say something similar about Thomas Sowell, Cal Thomas or even (sometimes) George Will. Not to even mention what would be said about Rush Limbaugh, or Gordon Liddy. (I do not include someone like Michael Savage - I consider him a hatemonger.)
All I ask as a conservative is reciprocity. A little respect from me and a little respect from you.
Too much to ask? Too na'ive?
(none yet, still thinkin')