Awesome ideas everybody. I think I'll start simple and put tape on his mouse sensor, over the mic and speaker in his phone and tape down the earpiece button.
On a side note about gay porn, I'll share my mine. My roommates covered my room in it one time while I was gone. Well, once everybody got a good laugh out of it, I made a big show of disposing of it, while in reality I KEPT most of it. Over the next few weeks, I hid it EVERYWHERE in their stuff. Examples include in booklets inside CD jewel cases, between pages of an atlas, underwear drawer, spare sleeping bag, cookbook, etc. Well, they kept finding that stuff for I think a year afterwards. Both with embarrasing consequences. One of them was on a trip with his gf and she found it in his atlas. The other one had his dad over to visit who insisted on using the sleeping bag...
Anyway, I appreciate all the ideas, I'll be watching this thread so keep them coming!