Originally Posted by james t kirk
In wars for example, rape is common place. At the end of WW2, Russian soldiers raped the women of Germany at will. In Berlin for example there were an estimated 2 million rapes in the spring of 1945. That was a case where normal human behaviour was right out the window. It wasn't about power, if it was about power, the Russian soldiers could simply have killed the women in an instant and no questions asked.
These cases are common throughout history, but to me the stereotype itself falls into the "power" category. Soldiers in rape & pillage mode, so close to the edge of survival. They're one moment from taking a life, with peer-pressure, opportunity, little chance of retribution. Where do they rate rape as an evil after seeking out and killing enemy combatants? How much of the rabid behavior is encouraged or condoned by the command structure in their dehumanizing of the enemy and with their retribution propaganda?
Not to excuse it one bit, but I can believe there are extreme tensions and passions involved.
Also, I doubt many victims resist to their full abilities with armed enemy soldiers standing around. Survival takes priority. In the studies already mentioned, don't many rapists state they took a lack of physical resistance as a form of consent? As reinforcement that "she was asking for it"?