>>>Don't try to artificially modify his energy.>>>
A wise person said, "Anything a human being does is human nature." There is nothing artificial about raising children. Its a natural act and anyone can raise touchy feely boys and tom girls if they want to. Anyone suggesting how a parent should raise a child "a certain way" will be ignored pretty quick in the super market line. Try it sometime. I taught preschool for 3 years and never once did I suggest to parents how to raise their child. Parents asked me thousands of questions, but never once did they ask me if their child was too masculine, feminine, or androgenous. The parents molded the kids. Period. I was just a well paid babysitter. Most of the kids actually were mirrors of the parents in every way. There were one or two kids that did not seem like the parents, but they could have been adopted or perhaps abused or maybe the parents were abused and they kids were not. Who knows....
"We are sure to be losers when we quarrel with
ourselves. It is a civil war, and in all such
contentions, triumphs are defeats." Mr Colton