OK guys, this is the lowdown from Darrel Waltrip's own mouth. Nascar officials stated that they initially saw no severe problems with the accident, and all the cars were low, on the infield or the lower portion of the track, so they held off the yellow flag to allow the race to finish under green. the second that Clint Boyer's car turned onto it's roof, Nascar threw the caution, because the track was deemed unsafe at that point. By this time, Harvick and Martin had just reached the finish line. Nobody can ever be happy with the results. If it was Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr, or any other driver people would still complain about the finish, if it was any of the other drivers and Nascar threw the caution at the moment the wreck happened, letting Martin win, then the fans for the OTHER driver would complain. Face it, not everyone can be happy about the results for every race. Nascar and the officials try to do the best they can to have the fans get a good RACE finish. It is the nature of the beast.
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison