Perhaps the Democratic Party has misread why so many people voted for them last election. Maybe people was tired of the assault on our civil liberties, which the Democrats promised to fix but so far we have heard nothing about repealing any piece or part of the Patriot Act. There was several other things before the election they promised to do something about in the first 100 days but suddenly after the election and before they took office they decided it might be a bit much, so once again we the people have had beau coup smoke blown up our asses. People want change but I don't think withdrawing the troops is as important and at the front of the majority mindset as they {the Democratic Party} want us to think. I think they have jumped on this bandwagon because they believe this is where they can hurt the President the most, forget all the other things they promised. It's beginning to get pretty disgusting.
The Libertarian Party looks like it will have my vote next election as it appears the Democrats don't have the gonads to take Washington away from the big money and give it back to the people. Someone has go to stop this madness.