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Old 02-20-2007, 09:33 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pan6467
No, I just don't believe people need to put up pages upon pages of bullshit that they find on the internet that back them up, when I can find the same crap.
If that's a commentary on Host's posting method, then I see where you're coming from. I'll admit I don't always read through the reams of information he posts myself, and I'm on his side. On the other hand, it IS really nice to see a guy who can back up EVERY SINGLE FACT he talks about by citing sources, and who's willing to do that.

But debate is done with respect not personally attacking as you have done in your reply to me (and yes, there were personal attacks as I will show later).
I was attacking your ideas, not you personally. I do not feel one has to do the "well I understand and respect your ideas but perhaps you could look at it this way" to get a point across. That's frankly for PC BSers, and I don't have much patience for them. State your opinon. Be blunt about it. We're big boys and girls. We can take it.

No, I said move on if you don't like the post and feel it is bullshit and cannot civilly reply to the person. If you have to personally attack the person or their belief in a way that is demeaning (much like you did in your reply)... then move on. NOONE should be demeaned and talked down to for their beliefs.... that is elitist, holier than thou, "I'm right and you're just stupid" attitudes and those have no place in debate.
To a point I agree with you. However I must admit that I don't have the patience to be supportive and encouraging when someone says something appallingly stupid. I was in a discussion once about violence on TV where one participant kept telling everyone the only solution was to outlaw television. I tried to be nice. I really did, but on about the 5th time he espoused that brilliant idea I said what everyone else was thinking, and what frankly needed to be said. If an idea is abjectly stupid, we should have the freedom to say that. If I call your idea stupid, that doesn't mean it's a personal attack on you, and it doesn't mean you have to sit there and take it either. If you don't think your idea is stupid, then tell us why. If it's really not stupid, I'd be the one to look like an idiot, not you.

Attacking the idea and showing where there are holes but treating the person with respect and allowing them dignity and the oppurtunity to see another side is true debate.
And that's exactly what I did in my reply to you. I picked your ideas apart. I did not call you an idiot, or any other name.

If I say Bush is destroying the economic infrastructure and I give my reasons and opinion based on my experiences and what I believe and then you argue the opposite, based on your experiences and beliefs.... we may show each other something that we can think about and influence our opinions as well as others who maybe reading.

But, if in your reply you ignore what I said, or rip it apart with no respect and showing no interest in what I believe and why.... then you are just flat out attacking and you won't change anyone's views.
Difficult to respond to this one, since you and I agree on Bush's handling of the economy But if I were wrong and thought that Bush was doing fine with the economy, I should pick your statement apart, if possible. Truly good ideas cannot be logically picked apart. Sure, you can pick 'em apart with stupid BS, but the folks around here are generally smart enough to see through that.

No, you can disagree with my views and ideas all you want.... however, when you attack me personally for my ideas and views... you are then in a way trying to censor what I say and believe.
I am not attacking you personally. I'm sorry if you feel that I am.

Look at the tone, the attitude of what your reply was and tell me you gave respect and could see my side.... You can't you believe your side to be 100% right and when I made my post you had to rip me personally... not the idea.
It is not necessary for me to see your side. No, I can't see your side. You're wrong here. 100% flat out wrong. That doesn't mean you're an idiot. It doesn't mean I don't see your side in other threads you participate in. But you are arguing the polar opposite to what I am arguing. As far as tone, we both used the same tone in our respective posts. You told me "With all due respect Shakran, that is elitist bullshit." Calling my idea elitist bullshit isn't exactly respectful, and if you think that putting the "with all due respect" in front of it tones it down you're sorely mistaken. Are you suggesting that all I had to do in my reply was start it out with "with all due respect" and you'd have been totally fine with everything else I said? Look, you bashed my idea because you 100% disagree with it. That's OK. I'm a big kid now, I can take it. Honest. I didn't get mad. I didn't even get irritated.

I think that's the problem with this board. Some people want us to spend a crapload of time being syrupy-nice to each other. That's simply not needed. I don't have a personal problem with anyone in here. Do I disagree with 'em? Hell yes. Ustwo and I have bashed each other's ideas for a VERY long time now. And ya know what? When we agree with each other, here or in another forum, we joke about it. He and I disagree. Doesn't mean I don't respect or dislike him or vice versa. I think his political ideas are completely wrong, and he thinks the same about mine. That doesn't mean we have to sit there complimenting and "respecting" each other for half an hour before we get down to the debate.

You don't want to debate you want to destroy me and my views. You want what I said to look foolish, ignorant and unintelligible so that you can feel good about yourself and believe you won something.
I'll tell ya something. If I needed an internet political forum to feel good about myself, I'd have a lot more problems than even you apparently think I have. I'm not here to feel good about myself. I'm here because I enjoy debating. Debate is a competition. It's like sports, only fat people like me can play too I hold no illusions that I'm going to totally change people's worldview. I will NEVER convince Ustwo that the dems are right and the republicans are wrong. Simply won't happen. But ya know what? I don't need to, nor do I care to. However, if Ustwo and I debate it out, those who are more on the fence might be exposed to our ideas and make a choice themselves. He doesn't have to cite sources, but he's gonna look awful foolish if he doesn't. Same goes for me.

As for this particular discussion, yes I'm absolutely out to show that you are wrong (though I'm not out to destroy you). You are trying to turn this forum into Philosophy 2.0. Political debate is rough and tumble by its very nature, and dammit, that's OK. There's absoultely nothing wrong with that. As long as we aren't turning to personal attacks (you're an idiot, what are you stupid, etc) it's OK to show why other people's ideas are wrong.

What truths? Politics is not about truth..... it's all about winning people over to your beliefs on how the government should be run.
And how am I supposed to do that if I'm not supposed to attack and/or destroy the ideas that do not agree with those beliefs?

As I stated and you seem to not touch on, you can find 10 pages of bullshit supporting your beliefs, I can find 10 pages of bullshit supporting mine.... it all comes down to opinion.
Actually it all comes down to who has the most logical opinion and has the best facts to support it. I can cite documents by the flat-earth society (yes, it actually exists, believe it or not) "proving" that the world is flat. You can cite a globe and a picture of the earth from the shuttle. Who wins, me with screwey documents written by a collective of nutjobs, or you with concrete evidence?

Now, you can choose not to cite sources if you want, but then you take the risk that if I'm a good enough debater, I might just convince someone that the world is flat.

Take global warming for instance...... some say it is man made.... some say the Sun is overly active and Mars' icecaps melting show it's not just us, thus it's not manmade, some say it's just hooey, period.
True. So we look into the sources. Who cites the most reliable sources. Turns out that most of the sources cited by the "it's just hooey period" crowd are studies undertaken by scientists working for, or for whom the project has at least been paid for by, the oil companies. Funny, but I don't consider that a very unbiased scientific source.

You take a stance and get piles of bullshit proof, I take a stance get piles of bullshit proof.... neither of us have done anything but supply others with piles of bullshit.
Well I never suggested that we should cite bullshit sources. Frankly if you go and cite a bullshit source, you're gonna get ripped apart, and rightfully so. But if you hit me with several reliable, trusted sources, it's gonna be much harder for me to argue back.

Tell people in your own words why you believe what you believe... (I'm not saying don't have the proof at hand, use links... use parts that show what you want shown.... but don't bog the people down).
Here we agree. Cite sources. I don't feel it is necessary to post the ENTIRE source.

It is far more intelligent and harder to support your ideas and beliefs when you have to actually think for yourself then just post some articles and say, "yeah...." or attack the other person and show them or their beliefs no respect.
Well I don't think many of us are just posting articles and then parroting them. My style is to tell you the facts (here's fact 1, fact 2, fact 3) and then tell you that BECAUSE of these facts, such and such is true. You can then either attack my sources, attack my conclusions, or both.

First od all, I am not an elephant's phallic hair, so I am not a "DUDE".....
Um. . . .What?

Ok so you post crazy ass bullshit, soon noone reads your posts, you get no replies, you get no audience.
Well then I'd better learn to back up that crazy assed bullshit to prove that it isn't. . . . or I'd better not post crazy assed bullshit, hadn't I?

I look at what your doing and what I see is someone trying to take what Isay to extremes and read more into what I wrote than what was truly there.
You're wrong.

And you show your elitism and holier than thouism...... ordinary people can't debate, they'll say stupid shit and not have anything to back it up... only those of us that are educated and read the news truly know what is going on and thus only OUR views count.
And you accuse me of taking YOUR ideas to extremes? I never said ordinary people can't debate. Anyone can debate. But if they don't debate smart - i.e. have sources to back up what they claim as fact - they can expect to get nailed for it. That's not elitist any more than it's elitist to expect a kid to get the right answers on the math test before you mark the answers as being correct.

My belief is that your post was to justify the elitism and to keep things the same in an area that is dying rather than face the truth
Your belief is 100% wrong. What I want to see happen, frankly, is for people to buck up. I see too much shit on the other forums around here whining about how "mean" politics is and how people are afraid to come in here and how they're "allergic" to it, and all I can think is, WHY. We have 41 other forums where we can be nice to each other and not attack each other's ideas. What in hell is wrong with one where we can (intelectually, non-personally) mix it up? If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, but don't bitch to everyone that the stove is warm. It's supposed to be that way.

.... the truth is there are some here that just want to keep politics bogged down with pages of bullshit and as Mixed put it....lowblows and bullshit but sourced only from those sources they agree with.
No, we dont' want to see pages of bullshit. I'd like to see moderation concentrate on citing decent sources. If more people were held to the idea of citing real sources instead of "dood bush sucks and everyone knows it" type of crap that we see so much of around here.

Of course what do I know, I just spent 1/2 writing this post, doing exactly what I accuse you of doing, being holier than thou.
And ya know what? That's OK. You have the right to your opinion, and you have the right to express it. And I don't mind that you disagree with me. Really.

Awww fuck it my views are right, I am right you're just a peon. (BTW that was meant in humor and sarcasm.)

What I find amazing and Mixed just touched on this...... the lefties here seem to like the board the way it is....... the reason they may not want change is because then people from the Right may actually come back and true debates and ideas will be exchanged from newcomers..... and their monopoly and hate tactics will have to cease.
Actually if you'll look back before the republicans took their infamous "thumpin" there were plenty of republicans in here, and they were spouting just as much bullshit as anyone from the left. I don't think the right has abandoned politics because we're too mean. I think they've abandoned politics because it's now impossible for them to tell us "you're wrong, we're the majority, deal with it." It's gotten VERY difficult for someone on the right to win a debate because their party has been mismanaged to the hilt by Bush and unfortunately many don't make a distinction between a real republican (which we haven't seen in office since before Carter was president) and the neo-con crap that Bush et al puts forward.
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