It was directed at Halx since I was writing while you were posting. However the sentiment applies to many more than him.
As I've said before, host emboldens those parts of the article which essentially summarize or highlight the point he is trying to make. You need not read every single word. When read in this fashion, his posts are no more arduous than a few paragraphs.
I'd imagine he posts the articles to add convenience for those who actually want to read them and to give the highlights of the articles context. As you have just said yourself "how [are] several pages of quoted material with a few setences of reinforced talking points/allusion to said material is any different then me posting a link or an article and asking "what do you think"?" What is the difference? Impatience maybe? Whether that is or isn't the case is a question I will leave in your hands. Not that this discussion between you and I matters, since you chose to ignore host's posts anyway.