Here's a way of thinking about it.
Potential Energy is the Energy that CAN be released. If you put a ball on a shelf, it has potential energy. Where does it get this energy? You spent energy to get the ball on the shelf by fighting the gravity. This can be released as kinetic energy by falling, at which point the potential will be expelled as kinetic.
Movement is energy because it takes a force to move an atom. Dams work by storing water (potential energy), releasing it at the base where pressure is high (kinetic energy), and using the movement in the water to turn turbines which create electricity (electrical energy).
All of these steps are energy based.
If you want to get more complicated E=mc^2, even atoms and molecules can release energy (LOTS of it). Fission is where nuclei split large molecules into two smaller ones. Fusion can release more energy, our sun fuses Hydrogen atoms together, and we all can see how much energy it creates.
So yes, all movement is energy, however no movement does not mean no energy.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas