I debated about where to put this. It caters more specifically to the Tilted Music crowd, I think, but I don't really have anything to say about it in terms of discussion, other than "this is cool." I thought about putting it in my journal, since it's not the kind of generically interesting thing I personally associate with Found on the Net, but I didn't think it would fit there either. So, it's here, and I hope it will find enough people who will enjoy and appreciate it.
There are two youtube videos below. The first one is a video for
The Normal's (AKA Daniel Miller) 1978 single, "Warm Leatherette." If I may borrow a bit from "Aaron_Detroit" on the SuicideGirl's site,
Inspired by J.G. Ballard's novel, Crash, it ended up influencing countless bands, not to mention launching the Mute label. The video, featuring clips from 1950's educational films about auto crashes, was not contracted officially, but Miller seems to like it so much he has linked it from Mute's website.
The second video, and the one I really like, is a live cover of "Warm Leatherette" by Peter Murphy (of Bauhaus), and Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails). Great cover, and I had to share it in light of the fact it will probably never be released on an album.
The Normal's original track...
WARNING: Graphic Content
Peter Murphy and Trent Reznor...