I guess you missed the fact that the first 20 years of my life I was submerged in the thick of fundamentalist Christianity. It wasn't just my dad's church at all. First off, my dad has not just been at one church, he has been in many spanning the US. Not only that, but I was active in the faith in that I would go to the various social functions, meetings, conventions that there are to experience. I understand faith just fine. Not only that, but but I've experienced Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism substantially as I searched out my own personal truth and understanding. Instead of a weak strawman, I would ask that you actually make an argument or try to poke logistical holes in mine.
Faith and reason are in turmoil. Those doctors and scientists and researchers have to ignore that they work within two opposing systems of reality. Again, that must lead to difficulties, whether it be denial, disassociation, or what have you.