Another guy meets girl dilemma
Yes, another guy with girl problems. Here is a bit of history. I have known this girl for a about 2 of years. We ahve common friends and the first time I met her she had a boyfriend, so though I liked her I didnt act out on my feelings back then. About 6 months ago she becomes single. We meet up at a party(common friends) and we get talking a bit of flirting. A couple of days later I call her up and ask her out, I get a yes. The date never materilizes as when I call her up next time to give her the details she doesnt answer my calls. I try a couple of times but nothing. About 2 months later we meet up at a party. We get talking again, (I never ask her why she didnt answer, dont want to seem to be cornering her), this time we make out. And am pretty sure I have gotten something going. I call her up two, three days later we talk but she is busy so I call again the following day, no answer, ring the next day no answer. ring again a couple of days later, you guessed it no answer. Time goes by (have pretty much given up on her by then) and a couple of days ago I meet her at the gym. We get talking. She leaves and i leave. A few days later we meet at a party. We get talking, again. I ask if she wants to grab a coffee sometime. But she wont be in town for a month but promises to call me when she gets back. (yeah forgot to mention that she is in town on the weekends only everyother week. I really like this girl and my first impresion was that she was also in to me but will she call me up? Should I call her up? Am I beeing toyed around with? WTF is going on here? PS. Its been ages since I felt so strongly about a girl. Its not as simple as just moving on. Am guessing this will be the closest I will get to readind her mind.