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Old 02-17-2007, 06:15 PM   #8 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
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Location: Disaster Area
Originally Posted by Toaster126
I don't remember why I'm thinking this, but I read something along the lines of if time travel was possible, it would only be able to move toward the future. Has anyone read anything along those lines?
You may be thinking of the father paradox, if it were possible to travel into the past you could conceivably kill your father before you were born, therefore you never would have existed, so how could you travel back in time to kill him??? Its the classic temperal paradox. The same type of paradox was revealed in the movie "The Time Machine" with Guy Peirce. He built the time machine to travel into the past to save his fiancee from being killed, but had she lived he never would have built the machine to begin with.......

Originally Posted by willravel
Is anyone familiar with Galactus form Marvel comics? He was a creature left over from the last big crunch. If God exists, it seems reasonable to assume that he has amassed such power because he doesn't age. In the bible, god is described as being without beginning. That would be one metaphor for an entity that has existed since before this incarnation of the universe. If I were such a creature, I might want to use my power to expand my understanding of evolutionary development to better understand my past. That being the case, I might want to experiment ans stifle the development of some intelligent species, and accelerate others. Theism could be an attempt to stifle us.

In other words, the god entity could be as easily from the past as the future. If you prescribe to the idea of circular time, that the universe repeats itself after every big bang, our answer could be one and the same.
For some reason, when I read this, it reminded of the "Q" from StarTrek NG. While the Q were very nearly omnipotent, Capt. Picard still believed in God, and refused to acknowledge the Q as such. I would have to fall into the same category. Time travelers or ET's from another solar system may have influenced the Bible, I really cant say, its all speculation,but very interesting none the less. IMO God is still God. There may be many advanced civilizations throughout the universe, in many highly evolved forms, but they still arent God. I cant really explain the nature of God, so I'm with Shani on that one.......some things are just inexplicable.....God Just Is....
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...

Last edited by DaveOrion; 02-17-2007 at 06:44 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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