Originally Posted by Lady Sage
Students need life skill classes. Teach them how to balance a check book, budget, apply for credit, buy a house, basic car maintenance... ect.
Book learning is great and can benefit a child/adult greatly. The world is a scary place and they need to learn the above so they cant be taken advantage of so easily and get lost in the fray as an adult.
Your right on here most people don't even know how to cook a basic meal. So it's take out or hamburger helper or something else prepared and prepackaged, costing a small fortune. They should know how to make a whole turkey or chicken, how to cook the bones down to render a stock for soups and flavor enhancers. How to cook a pot roast so it's tender and good, how to use left over food into recreations, not to just throw away left overs. Simple things that will be remembered for a life time!
All student should learn not only cooking but home and car maintenance, first aid, CPR and winter-outdoor survival. Along with the the budget, home buying and credit management is a must!
I know it will be said that the parents should teach these things to kids and to a point they should but today things are different parents are working later they are teaching kids the things I'm preaching against like, take out and prepared foods.
If you plan a head you can cook at home quickly and afford it.