Originally Posted by abaya
Never smoked, don't plan to try it even if it becomes a health food. Just plain gross and smelly.
I couldn't agree more! I'm not going to tell people not to smoke, but I could never do it. I grew up with my Dad smoking non-stop. Everytime I'd leave the house, I could smell it on me and on my clothes and it was absolutely disgusting. I could never imagine doing that to myself.
Originally Posted by abaya
Also, I know for a fact that most of my non-smoking friends would never date a smoker long-term. Kissing a smoker grosses them out...
Now see, I said the same thing for quite a long time. My boyfriend now is a smoker who is trying to quit. Although i don't like the smoking, I've made it very clear that he should be quitting for himself and not for me - as I'll kiss him either way.