To me, a family is a family whether you have children or not. To me a family is a singular thing. To me, more married people should think that way...
Originally Posted by Yakk
If anything, the most sensible tax base for a society is the assets the society protects. Modern economies place one of the most sacred acts of a state is the protection of private property, and enforce it quite strongly. The bias in the net worth of citizens is much higher than the bias in the tax load -- the top 1% of asset owners own a larger percent of assets than the top 1% of tax payers share of tax revenue.
Ow! Good shot. You got me right in my little libertarian heart. It is an interesting point which I'll have to consider. My quick and dirty reply would be that without
what I would consider to be excess govt spending in areas championed by the left wing my govt could protect individual rights at a flat tax rate.
But I can see your argument of the assets being clustered higher up the income pole. I find the 1% fact difficult to believe given that the top 10% of income in Canada generates 50% of
personal income tax. But you might be including corporate assets at which point, I have no idea.