I couldnt count the number of times i've been to one lol, there are many here to choose from, and in Atlanta it doesnt matter if they serve booze, they get as naked as they can. Usually takes them 3 songs and lots of tips to do so
I absolutely cannot stand to see a male stripper, I would much much MUCH rather watch a woman, limp noodles flopping around a boy that looks like a preteen boy on steroids does nothing for me.
There is one here that I enjoy more than the others because they actually employ dancers that have some meat on their bones...nothing turns me off quicker than a woman who's ribs I can count or her boobs dont jiggle at all while they dance. I will "dress" up when I go, some form of mini and my corset. On several occasions I've been asked to leave because the patrons would think I worked there and I'd get asked for lap dances hehehehe
I think its a great experience and the women for the most part get really more animated on stage if there is a chick standing there with money in her hand (now Im talking local clubs, not the "big" ones where the porn stars hang out...Atlanta has many of those and I cant stand them)