just to clarify, I only jumped in here after the thread had been on and on about the pc v. mac debate. I'm not here to "jump into every Windows or PC related thread and shoot off Mac selling points or PC weaknesses". I simply came in after the thread had degraded to put in my $0.02.
Also, I didnt just jump into an old thread for the purpose of threadjacking, I just looked at the last post before you ressurected the thread and it wasn't that old, and to be honest I didn't look at any other post date except your previous comment, hence the reason I didn't realize you resurrected it. My apologies.
Also, I did mention that I will be buying an iPhone so as to keep it on topic.

I will wait for the second gen iPhone to come out though because I have learned not to buy anything from Apple that is a first revolution model.
As to your previous comment about apple releasing a great, "groundbreaking" version, I think that will probably be out within 6 months. I also think that this style of completely revamping a product within 6 months of its release (ala Macbook/Pro) kind of shafts Apple's more hardcore fans. I say that because from my experience, the hardcore Apple fans are usually the ones to run out and buy the new product right away only for it to be obsolete rather quickly with nothing they can really do to upgrade it short of buying a new one. They seem to be using their major fanbase as a means to test out a product that might not be ready for release to the general public since it will take some time for the general public to accept this new product. The perfect example was the Rev. 1 MacbookPros. They had so many problems with those that it seemed as if it was a beta test for their final release. This will be even worse with the iPhone. There will be nothing that person can do who jumps on the bandwagon right away and grabs one later to realize that the next iPhone will be here in a few months and it has GPS, 3G, CDMA, HSDPA, will come with sizes up to 30GB, a 4 Megapixel camera, a video camera, and it even wipes your ass for you. I know several people that feel slapped in the face by Apple for supporting them early on in a new product only to be slapped in the face in a few months time with something "groundbreaking" for the masses.
I just find it a little disconcerting.