Killing oneself affects everyone around them. Children of a suicide parent are more likely to commit suicide themselves. I my self do not believe in suicide as it prematurely ends ones experience. Remember I said that all experiences must be treasured both the good and the bad. Suicide will also interfere with other people’s experiences not just ones own.
Would I interfere with a person who is going to commit suicide? Maybe. Children under the age of 20, (yes I think people who are under the age of 20 are still kids sorry), I would interfere because they do not understand what death truly is. Kill oneself because a girl/boy friend dumped them is not truly understanding death. That once ended life is completely over. I would also try to stop a person of any age who is under the influence of something be it alcohol or drugs because in my opinion their judgment is impaired. If once they sobered up and still wanted to die then I would try to talk them out of it. I would also remove any object that they could use to kill them selves. i would also try to get help be it law enforcement or medical help. I believe that at this point I am still interacting with a person. But in the end if a person truly wants to die and finds a way then it is their life and their choice. I did my best to try to interact with a person to try and convince them that life is really worth living. If they received all the help possible and the desire to commit suicide is not a medical problem (ie a brain imbalance or other medical affliction) then it is their choice because its their life. Anything else is interference. A person who is terminally ill and wants to die due to the extreme pain I would try to talk them into living as long as possible but no, I would not stop them.
good arguement zanth and thanks for the help with clearing up my point of view but whats your view on life? What do you think life is?
"enjoy life to the brim but do not spill it" quoted off my tatoo
"Iam myself every day."