I got it from the hurricanes personal site.
Regarding Tough Enough One -
I've come to the point where I just don't see "TOUGH ENOUGH CHAMPION" written all over the face of the TE kids faces, except one. All of them have developed a nice character/role for themselves, except one. It seems like that they will have a nice future in the WWE, except one.
Nidia - WOW! I can't believe she lasted this long as Jaime Nobles valet! But the weird part is that I BELIEVE that she is really trailer trash. Thats quite an achievement actually. Now, I do realize that she is still in development of her wrestling skills, but she is really doing a nice job in the ring. Hell, she makes Torrie Wilson look like a capable wrestler. When I see Nidia, I see "Trailer Ho", no Tough Enough Champion
Chris Harvard Nowinski - Still a pompous asshole, but he has done a great job on his skills and character development. If you haven't heard, he's aligned himself as Rodney Mack's partner, even though Nowinski is a white-boy. "I'm white on the outside, but I'm black on the inside, For Sizzle My Nuzzle". Yup, definitely a great addition to WWE. Not a Tough Enough Loser, but a WWE Supahstar!
Josh - He's doing a pretty decent job as play-by-play and commentator/inteviewer. Needs to stop sounding like he reading off a card. Maybe he'll get into the ring.
Maven... maven... ma... ven....mave....nevam.... Sucked, still sucks, and probably will continue to suck. I can't see how they chose Maven over the other two. He has done NOTHING in the WWE except give a few sub-average matches. Nothing interesting. Nothing innovative. Nothing that makes him stand out from anyone else. He has Tough Enough All over him, and it isn't ever going to wash clean.