Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
First and foremost, there theists possess no burden of proof; It's the athiests who are challenging the existence of centuries old notion of God, so you must refute that claim and prove that God doesn't exist.
Why would Atheists be required to refute something that has not yet been established? The lack of burden for Theists is the basis for skepticism in Atheism.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Making a concrete assertion based on inconclusive/incomplete evidence is not only absurd but also isn't scientific in the least.
Its been said before, but I'll say it again. There is no proof of God's existence, and saying that science is absurd for pointing that out is, absurd.
I worship a Nilla Waifer which rules from a place called Nabisco, for instance. This snack exists in a dimension we cannot comprehend. Science is trying to tell me that because there is no proof of it's existence, it probably does not exist. I find science' judgement to be incorrect sense they cannot disprove the ruling cracker.
I have twenty-four H2 Hummers stacked ontop of one another in my front yard, next to a tree. This probably is untrue, but sense you have no idea what my financial situation is, or the assets I may, or may not posses, you cannot say for certain that there are not, in fact, twenty-four H2's in front of my house. That's Atheism.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Making a concrete assertion based on inconclusive/incomplete evidence is not only absurd but also isn't scientific in the least.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Any scientist worth his or her salt knows that science will never be able to qualify the existence of God, and to trying to do so is futile
Thank you for the contradiction.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
So, until the day you can pull out some scientific evidence which states "God doesn't exist!", I'll take all atheist arguments with a grain of salt, as they have no logical basings
Explain the logic pertaining to faith. You're argument in favor of Theism could be pursuasive on a philosophical platform, but not in the faculty of reason.