Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Have you ever thought that she might suffer from depression?
That is one of my biggest symptoms of depression--no desire to better my living situation either by cleaning my home, caring for myself in more than the basic ways, and I largely ignore my personal business/pestering from other people to improve myself.
It might be something she's always had and so she's never really thought about it as being out of the ordinary, and neither have you, but that kind of laziness is abnormal. Counseling, a visit to the doctor--all of these things may be in order--counseling especially since this seems to be putting quite a strain on your marriage.
I also immediately thought of depression. I suffer from depression, as well, and I know somedays it seems a feat to even get out of bed in the morning. I am generally a very busy and successful person, but depression makes me VERY lazy and whiny and like onesnowy said...I ignore my health and appearance.
Remember to keep communicating with your wife, and if the "laziness" continues, make sure you ask her what's up. I'm sure she could benefit from counselling.
Originally Posted by tinfoil
Mrs. Foil and I chatted a bit last evening about this and she offered up nothing really about being depressed or such, however she wsasn't able to offer any real reason for not helping out around the house.
I came home today to find laundry done, vacuuming of floors & furniture done! After picking my jaw up from the floor, I thanked her very much.
She did ask why her mother and I are always surprised when she does housework. I chose to ignore that one.
Woops, I guess I didn't read this update.