Originally Posted by Bittertalker
I’ve been putting some thought into this topic for the past few days. It wasn’t a bomb scare or hoax, because just linguistically speaking that would imply they were attempting to pass the Mooninites off as bombs. In reality these "bombs" are glorified Lite-Brites and a Lite-Brite has never hurt anyone (well unless you swallowed some of the small pieces.) The news is calling it a failed guerilla marketing campaign, but technically speaking since they’ve been talking about the show and the upcoming movie practically nonstop since Wednesday afternoon, I’ll clearly call it a successful marketing campaign.
I don't think it was successful at all. The people who don't know about the show won't care to find out. And if by any chance they do, they'll quickly regret it and not trust ads from them again.
The primary focus of any and all marketing campaigns is for the product in question to be thought about, talked about and etc. The marketing campaign included ten major US cities, such as Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, and Los Angeles.
Didn't know that.
What makes Boston so different? I mean, if these things were in nine other cities for around two weeks, why did the city of Boston react in the way they did?
Boston is boring as hell, for starters. At least out of the select group you named earlier.
I was watching the news yesterday, and they said there was some fifty in the city of New York alone compared to the thirty-eight in Boston. In this post-9/11 world why didn’t New York react? If not first, than at all? Why didn’t the other nine cities? Why did Boston react?
I can only speak for New York as I've seen those Truth ads like a 1,000 times. I guess New York is used to that type of thing and they must have lots of ads up everywhere anyway. Plus, I'm sure they ask the cities permission before doing those kinds of things unlike TBS, especially for the body parts Truth ad.
Truth ads: Some of them are cool, some of them are incredibly annoying [Like that guy w/ the ugly dreds and glasses talking about 'sleep' in a matress store or m&ms and jogging] to me and some are a digusting eyesore like the 'bodyparts in the trashcan' but not the murder scene chalk outlines. Believe me I can take a heavier dose of death and dismerberment than the average person. But no one is ever fully desentizied. Except for coroner's and their assistants and other unmentionable sickos, you know who you are.
About Aqua Teen Hunger Force... that show is stupid, actually its more than that. There's no excuse for shows that dumb to exist. A lot of Adult Swim's shows are complete crap. Which leads to me to believe the staff of that whole thing are crazy. Sealab 2020, only one funny episode to me there where they yell this one phrase over and over again. Oh and there's worse shows than ATHF on there don't get me wrong. When it 1st actually came out, I found the idea of fast food doing that hilarious but then it just got incredibly stupid and I'm not a nerd! So if it's too stupid for someone who's not a nerd it must be awfully nosensical.
The moonites tho, were funny maybe the 1st time. Never really followed them after that.